A database of U.S. and Israeli-used arms supply chains. Know your local bomb maker.
In the legacy of New Mexicans who have fought to examine and puncture the nuclear and military industry, a group of people of conscience have joined together to support the movement against the weapons infrastructure at the core of our economy. We also strive to reorganize our local and national economies so that they can be of life instead of death.

To do so we must first understand which weapons are made and where. We created the Open Source Arms Library to research this information.

Our goals are twofold. We want to make it easier for workers and unions across the world to stop engaging in research and manufacturing of weapons used in Israel. We also want to make it easier for actionists to protest weapons manufacturing plants.

Contribute to the database

All contributions are welcome. If you want to do your own independent research, you can use the template below.*
*The Open Source Arms Library curates publicly available information from web-based data sources such as Google Maps, Wikipedia, and others. We strive to operate legally.  We do not accept any information that is obtained illegally. We do not accept any classified information. We do not encourage anyone to violate non-disclosure agreements or to share information covered under a security clearance. Please do not send us incriminating information or any information that is not cited publicly.
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